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타이거 페어런팅이란 무엇인가? 아이들에게 어떤 영향을 미치는가?

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Tiger Parenting

Parents who are concerned about the success of their children in life often go to any extent to help them succeed. In Asian countries, there has been a practice of parents adopting stringent measures so that their children ace their studies as well as get into good colleges and universities. It is also known as tiger parenting because the parents appear like ferocious tigers in safeguarding the future of their kids by being strict with them and monitoring their performance at school. Tiger parenting is an educational practice that has gained popularity among Chinese parents who want the best for their kids. Tiger parents maintain high expectations and unending support from their children, which makes them very successful later in life. Let’s find out more about this type of parenting style!

What Is Tiger Parenting?

Tiger parenting is a style of child-rearing in which parents expect their children to achieve high levels of academic success by employing strict parenting practices. The term tiger parenting was coined by Stanford University psychologist Dr. Amy Chua in her 2011 book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”. Chua describes this parenting style as, “Chinese parents believe that one must break a child’s will, not just build his self-esteem.” The term “Chinese” in the context of tiger parenting is used to describe the cultural practices of East Asian cultures, including South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and China. While these cultures have varying child-rearing philosophies, they have been increasingly influenced by Western child-rearing practices.

Why Do Parents Use Tiger Parenting?

Asian parents usually have high expectations of their children, which makes them very strict when they are growing up. There are certain reasons why they resort to this kind of parenting. To make their children bright: Parents believe that if they start training their children from a very young age, they will grow up to become high achievers. They want to impart the best of education to their children so that they can become successful in life. So, they put a lot of pressure on their kids to excel in their studies. To ensure their children’s future: Although Asian parents know that their children will face challenges and failures in life, they want to secure their children’s future so that they don’t have to worry about their livelihood.

Effects of Tiger Parenting on Children

Tiger parenting has both positive and negative impacts on children. Let us have a quick look! On the positive side, tiger parenting helps children to build self-discipline, self-confidence, and independent nature. It helps children to improve their time management skills, be more organized, and achieve academic excellence. This type of parenting style instills a sense of grit and resilience in children, which is very essential for their growth.

Then, what about the negative effects of tiger parenting? Too much stress and pressure affect the emotional health of children and make them anxious and depressed. Incessant competition from a very young age negatively impacts their self-esteem and confidence. Children who are pushed to achieve are more likely to develop a social anxiety disorder. To make their children achieve more, tiger parents tend to overlook their emotional needs. This results in emotional neglect and makes the children feel lonely and depressed.

Benefits of Tiger Parenting for Children

There are many benefits of tiger parenting, such as

Academic Success: Tiger parenting helps children achieve academic success as they are motivated to achieve their parents’ high expectations.

High Self-Esteem: Children who are trained to excel in academics also gain self-esteem. They become more confident and secure in their abilities.

Better Communication: Since tiger parents understand their children’s limitations, they help them to open up and communicate with them. Thus, they become emotionally stronger.

Time Management Skills: Tiger parenting trains children to manage their time effectively. They learn to balance their academic and extracurricular activities, as well as develop self-discipline.

Problem-Solving Skills: Tiger parenting also enhances problem-solving skills in children, as they learn to deal with challenges in everyday life.

Problems with Tiger Parenting

While tiger parenting has its benefits, it has a few disadvantages too. Let’s have a look at them.

Over-Pressurizing: Too much pressure on children to excel in academics and extracurricular activities can lead to stress and anxiety. A child’s emotional health and growth are as important as their academic success.

Too much focus: on grades may lead to a lack of creativity and interest in subjects like sports, music, and hobbies that are useful in the future.

Lack of Time: With so much focus on academics, children are left with very little time to pursue other interests and hobbies.

No Self-Discipline: When parents follow a strict parenting style, they are neither setting good examples nor instilling self-discipline in their children.

No Sleep: Sleep is essential for our cognitive development. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived individuals show attention deficits, impulsive behavior, and reduced creative thinking abilities.

Less Creativity: With less time for creative activities, children lose interest in learning and exploring new things.


Tiger parenting has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is advisable to adopt a balanced approach toward child-rearing. Parents should understand that they are the first teachers of their children. They should teach their kids to be resilient and independent by providing them with a healthy learning environment.

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