Home Fashion Sao Paulo Fashion Week 2023: Everything You Need To Know!

Sao Paulo Fashion Week 2023: Everything You Need To Know!

by Lorean
Sao Paulo Fashion Week

The Sao Paulo Fashion Week is almost here and fashion lovers are more excited than ever. The event brings forth excitement and thrills for fashion enthusiasts. Whether it’s new makeup looks or outfits, designers can show their talent in numerous ways. And those who want some inspiration have an ideal platform to find it. This enchanting event has a lot to offer and also lets upcoming and budding designers and models get a headstart on their careers. If you are captivated already, then stay here and keep reading to find out more. 

History of Sao Paulo Fashion Week!

History of Sao Paulo Fashion Week

History of Sao Paulo Fashion Week | neonpolice

The first event of Sao Paulo Fashion Week was in 1996 and ever since then, it has graced the world of fashion. Named after the popular city of Brazil, the name of Sao Paulo Fashion Week emerges in every corner of the fashion realm. The purpose of this event was to show the trends in Brazilian fashion and share them with the world. 

The founder of Sao Paulo Fashion Week is Paulo Borges who is a popular Brazilian fashion designer. Paulo started his career in the mid-1980s and has been dedicated towards fashion since then. Like other fashion destinations such as London, Milan and Paris, Sao Paula has managed to make a strong impression in the fashion industry. It is considered a luxurious and most sought-after event in Latin America. 

When is the Sao Paulo Fashion Week in 2023?

Sao Paulo Fashion Week 

Sao Paulo Fashion Week  | neonpolice

The Sao Paulo Fashion Week is scheduled to be from 8th to 12th November in 2023. To know more about the timings of the show, you can visit the event’s official website.

If you want to join as a model, you can become a part of a modelling agency that stays in connection with the Sao Paulo Fashion Week event. New models are recruited by the event occasionally. Don’t forget to build a portfolio and make a strong impression so that your chances of selection are higher. If you want to show your designs on the show, you can go through the event’s website and see how to become a part of the show. If you are in connection with other influential fashion industry folks, then it’s time to get in touch with them.

Previous Edition of SPFW 2023 

The previous edition of Sao Paulo Fashion Week was held from May 25 to May 28. This time there was more diversity in models and of course, a lot of new brands showcased their fashionable items. Notable names like Cria Costura and João Pimenta were a part of the show. This event was an ensemble of diversity, inclusion, bright colours and shimmer! A memorable event added to the long list of Sao Paulo Fashion Week shows, it certainly made its mark. From bright and unique colour blends to neutral shades, a lot of colours made their way on the ramp in their own exclusive ways. Many trends that were a part of the previous season also made their way to this edition. 

Prominent Designers who have graced Sao Paulo Fashion Week 

Sao Paulo Fashion Week Designers

Sao Paulo Fashion Week Designers | neonpolice

  • Fernanda Yamamoto

If you want to see unique Asian references in a fashion show, then Fernanda Yamamoto does that super well! Known for her chic and elegant designs on the runway, Fernando always comes up with unique ideas and showcases them well. Moreover, it is always exciting to look at what she has to offer next. She never forgets to leave a mark whenever her talent and designs are represented. 

  •  Lino Villaventura

Lino Villa Ventura is also a Brazilian designer known for his theatre-based looks on the fashion runway. He always manages to showcase unique representations of fashion in this work. His focus isn’t to create something extravagant, but focus on using his skills and theatrical abilities to maximum advantage. 

  • Walério Araújo

A popular Brazilian designer started his career surrounded by the realm of fashion and design. He has been a part of many fashion shows and always leaves a mark! His designs are a blend of colours, elegance and relationships. He has also represented his relationship with a close friend on SPFW N55. 



Sao Paulo Fashion Week consistently stands as a beacon of fashion innovation. This biannual event serves as a platform where designers from Brazil and around the world share their creations. From avant-garde designs to the incorporation of sustainable materials and advanced technology, the runways at Sao Paulo Fashion Week never fail to impress. This event is not only a showcase of talent but also a testament to the industry’s capacity to push boundaries and set new trends that resonate globally. Designers participating in Sao Paulo Fashion Week continue to redefine the limits of fashion creativity every year. For more information, visit Neon Police


Can I join Sao Paulo Fashion Week as a model?
If you want to join Sao Paulo Fashion Week as a model, then you can get in touch with an industry professional or go through the official website of the event. Most luxurious fashion events are in regular touch with modelling agencies to find new talent every year. So, you can also scout through different agencies and find the ones that are connected to the event and sign up for a suitable option. It will be better if you focus on building your portfolio to increase your chances of selection. 
When was Sao Paulo Fashion Week launched?
The Sao Paulo Fashion Week was launched in 1996. Ever since then it has managed to become a prominent fashion event in Latin America. It provides a platform for budding designers and models who want to foster and take their careers to the next level.
Who is the founder of SPFW 2023?
The founder of SPFW 2023 is Paulo Borges who is a famous fashion designer from Brazil. The very first show was held in 1996, and ever since then, the show has had biannual events. The next one is set to be in November 2023.

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